Fall is in full swing and the holiday season is almost upon us!!! As the holiday season fast approaches, follow these simple steps to make the most of your adventures!
Planning Essentials For Successful Holiday Travel:
Ensure you have your passport and other travel documents safe in your carry on luggage. We also recommend making a copy before you travel in case anything is lost or goes missing!
Consider purchasing trip insurance as a part of any travel package. Make sure that air fair is refundable and understand the purchase terms.
If traveling abroad, strongly consider purchasing travel insurance. Travel insurance can be expensive, but is often times worthwhile! Plans include medical expense coverage, emergency travel services and more. Explore plans fully before moving forward with one!
Check in with family, friends, house sitters, and pet sitters before leaving and update them on any last minute changes to your itinerary.
Have camera's on the exterior entrances or within the home that electronically activate you to changes. By having this ona. simple cell phone it will provide you with peace of mind. It is also a great way to check on pets who have a pet sitter at home!
Make a checklist of items to remember for the day you leave! Everything gets busier on departure day! This will help you to feel at ease and know that everything has been handled! A vacation packing list can also be helpful!
See your primary care physician at least a month before traveling to ensure that you have time for any recommended immunizations, treatments or medications. You also want to ensure that you are in good health and ready for travel without any risks. If additional planning is needed to accommodate any medical needs while away, you will also want ample time to coordinate!
Have your medications filled and packed prior to leaving. Having a simple pill case is an easy and cost effective way to stay organized and on track while away! Pack 3 extra days of medication in case your travel plans are delayed.
Never put your medications into checked baggage; always keep medications in a carry on. Keep with you a typed list of your medications, health history, allergies, and emergency contact person(s). Always, place your medications locked in your room safe once you reach your destination.
Be aware of local pharmacies and access to emergency medical services available in the area in which you are traveling.
Have a detailed written itinerary that you share in advance with family and friends! For emergencies they will be able to contact you easily and this will serve as a great guide in general for your trip!
Have a cell phone and charger packed packed in your carry on. Bring a portable charger just in case of an emergency. If traveling oversees look into and have an international calling plan in place.
Dress for the unexpected! Even if you are expecting a short and easy day of travel, dress for the worst case scenario! Wear comfortable shoes that you can walk well in or have on your feet if you are traveling via wheelchair. Ensure that you wear flat shoes with arch support. Lace up shoes are often times best since you can adjust them for swelling, etc. if needed.
If possible, do not wear heels because they can lead to tripping, injury, or straining. Dress in comfortable layers to ensure that you can adjust your temperature comfortably when needed.
Wear your medic alert bracelet or necklace if you have one. If you have chronic medical issues that require immediate attention, consider purchasing one prior to traveling: http://www.medicalert.org/?gclid=CNT43KOl_NMCFdJMDQodppoATw .
Carry only necessary items, check other items to keep it easy and to avoid injury!
Ship any holiday gifts or bulky items to your location prior to departure.
Ensure that you have transportation or a car service in place for to and from the airport and while in-between travel locations!
As always, keep your bags on your person at all times. Never ask someone you do not know to watch your bags, even for a short period of time!
Remember to have your medications (ensure that they are filled before leaving), medical history, and emergency contact list packed in a carry-on bag. Never pack your medications in a checked bag! Having toiletries and one day of clothing that is not heavy or bulky packed in your carry-on is also a great idea in case luggage issues occur.
Your ID should be zipped into a front pocket of your carry-on that is easy to access when needed.
For trips longer than an hour, have a small snack and a water bottle in your carry-on in case of emergency. Only carry necessary items in your carry-on and keep other items in your checked baggage! Ensure that you have a light-weight suitcase that is easy to pull to avoid injury.
Do your safety homework prior to leaving. Be mindful of safety considerations for the area in which you will be staying and traveling to. This is very important and should not be taken lightly. Check out the U.S. State Department website which offers specific safety information for various countries.
Avoid being a target for theft! Never put out the clean my room sign if one is offered! This indicates to all that you are out and that your room is vacant! For safety, try to request a room near an elevator, lobby, or on the main floor. Avoid staying by exterior stairs.
Try to make safe and healthy dining choices even while away. Remember that if you are mindful of necessary restrictions and dietary basics you can have a better trip! Everything in moderation!
If you need assistance in planning or travel specifics reach out to an aging life care professional for guidance!